What is crystal healing?

Kelly Beaulieu - Crystal Healing in Chichester

Kelly Beaulieu


Crystal Therapy in Chichester

The healing power of crystals

Crystals are special gifts from Mother Earth, taking thousands and sometimes millions of years to form.

They bring wholeness and joy to everyday life and can be worn as jewellery, placed as decoration in the home, or used for meditation and for crystal healing.

Crystals interact with the electromagnetic forces and subtle energies within the human or environmental energy field. This enables them to absorb, focus, direct, detoxify, shift and diffuse energy. This is what makes them suitable for healing. This also means they have the ability to attract positive energy and dispel negative and stagnant energies.

When the energies of a crystal are combined with human energy, a new blend of vibrational power is created, which creates a higher state of awareness. This allows the crystals to guide, nurture, empower and support the mind, body and soul, restoring the body to homeostasis by stimulating its self-healing mechanism.

The Healing Power of Crystals

Treating the whole person

Crystal healing treats the whole person, bringing balance and alignment to the subtle energies. These are the chakras, auric layers, meridians and energy bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

An experienced crystal healing therapist will place intuitively selected crystals either on or around the client. Often a therapist will work with spiritual guides or multidimensional helpers alongside the crystals to channel the crystallised healing energy.

Healing Crystal Workshops in Chichester
Crystal Healing in West Sussex

What happens during a treatment?

During the treatment, the crystals remind the client of their connection to nature, spirit and all that is. It’s during this process that the mind, body and soul are able to reinstate balance, alignment and order, enhancing health and wellbeing.

How will you benefit?

During a treatment, it is common for people to experience sensations in the body like tingling, twitching or sudden movement. Some people will see colour or their minds will be transported elsewhere. Others may not have these experiences, but may feel extremely relaxed.

Whatever is experienced during a treatment, you can be confident that the crystals are working their magic to support you on all levels.

Crystal healing therapists never claim to cure or fix, their intention is to enhance health and wellbeing for the highest good of all.

This very much applies to Kelly’s services.